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Fler – Berlin rapper sentenced to probation

Das Bild zeigt den Rapper Fler in einem Flur stehend. Der Hintergrund ist violett und die Augen von Fler leuchten blau. Er trägt ein schwarzes T-Shirt mit der Aufschrift "Aggro Berlin".

Again and again the rapper Fler has trouble with the law. He has been convicted multiple times for previous crimes. Patrick Losensky, aka Fler, got away with a black eye every time and was usually only given suspended sentences and fines. Now the Berlin rapper was in court again!

Fler hits the RTL cameraman in the face

The former Aggro-Berlin rapper attacked, threatened and insulted an RTL television team in March 2020. This had tried to interview him as he was leaving a shop on Berlin's Kurfürstendamm. Fler hit the cameraman in the face and destroyed the camera. The indictment also included other insults and threats that the rapper had made mostly on social media.

Fler pleads guilty

On the first day of the trial a week ago, Fler had already admitted the allegations made. He promised to "avoid confrontations in the future". When he starts insulting, he tends to do it "extensively." In the meantime, however, he has learned: “It is best n

Fler sentenced to 16 months probation

The District Court of Berlin-Tiergarten has sentenced the rapper to a suspended sentence of 16 months for a number of crimes. The court found the 40-year-old guilty of assault, property damage, threats and insults, among other things. In addition, the Berliner must pay 10,000 euros to a non-profit organization.

Court classifies Fler's confession as "sincere".

Fler did not appear for the verdict! It therefore took place in his absence. The judge considered his confession to be sincere. The court took into account that the rapper had already paid the cameraman compensation of 10,000 euros. Because of a positive social prognosis, the sentence could therefore be suspended on probation.

Source:, KBE,, Paul Zinken / dpa

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